I'm not much of a football fan. I've only gotten into football at
all because two of my three sons played in high school. I checked this
book out of the library because I've been checking out books on
leadership and this particular book was on CD. I adore listening to
books on CD while I cook, clean, or engage in other mindless duties.
The book is
Quiet Strength by Tony Dungy. I was repeatedly inspired by a few things about Dungy's story:
He didn't hear God's voice in loud, spectacular ways. Repeatedly throughout the book Dungy talks about how he had a
decision to make and he prayed. He repeatedly says that he didn't have a
lightening bolt or a voice from heaven but he did what he thought was
God's will. I can so relate to that.
He experienced
deep tragedy and stuck with God. I appreciate how he didn't have
simple answers as to why his son killed himself, he just chose to trust
God through it all. He hurt, he grieved, he was confused. He chose to
walk with God to the best of his ability through it all.
he had life experiences where things didn't work out. Experiences of
losing jobs or not getting positions he'd been led to expect. Like most
people, I can relate to that. I was inspired by Dungy's emphasis on how God used those
situations to move him to where God wanted him to be.
His emphasis on family and work-life balance. It was refreshing to read a book by someone who wasn't obsessed
with work success to the point of leaving behind his family. I've seen
too much of that. It was great to hear examples of a devoted, hard
worker who also valued his family.
He was mentored and mentored others. My heart has long burned with the passion of wanting to make a
difference in the lives of people. I read books related to leadership
because I desire to be an effective leader in my family, work and
ministry. I was encouraged as I listened to the way God brought people
into Dungy's life to mentor him, and the ways God used him to mentor
others. I pray for open eyes to see God's leading me in these ways.
His take on success. I think Dungy says this best himself: "God’s definition of success is really one of
significant difference our lives can make in the lives of others. This
significance doesn’t show up in the win-loss records, long resumes, or
the trophies gathering dust on our mantels. It’s found in the hearts and
lives of those we’ve come across who are in some way better because of
the way we lived.” (p.144)
He has such a firm, sweet, and simple faith in God. Throughout the book I'm captivated by the story of his life
because he loves the same God as I. My heart rejoices and I'm always
delighted to get to listen to, or read about, someone who loves the Lord
and people.
I'm glad that I was able to listen to this book on CD.