Last Sunday the pastor was teaching out of Matthew 4:1-11.
This sermon was part of series of sermons he has been preaching on
overcoming temptation. In last Sunday's sermon he took a closer look at
each of the areas in which Jesus was tempted. The pastor categorized
these temptations as food, presumption, & pride.
he spoke about food the pastor talked about the number 1 health problem
in the U.S. being obesity. He talked about how we look to food for
comfort and all struggle with this temptation. He showed how Jesus spoke
of His relationship to God and His Word being more important than
food. He showed his struggle by these 2 examples: 1-He adores
McDonald's french fries and thinks no one makes fries as good as them.
He said he'd love to go buy french fries and have them with a vanilla
shake; nothing could be better. But he doesn't because that's not good
for him. 2-He may go to a buffet and he likes all the food there and
wants to eat all the food, but he can only eat a little, because it's
not good for him to eat everything.
I felt very guilty during the sermon since I'm significantly overweight.
that sermon I've been thinking on what the pastor said and I have mixed
feelings. I have a bunch of thoughts and feelings regarding this
topic. I want to unpack these thoughts and feelings so I can really see
them, and hopefully achieve some clarity on this issue:
* The Pastor's right and any time I eat more than my body actually needs it is a sin. I must be fat because I sin.
* I feel less-than, not good enough, because I have this struggle.
All sin is forgivable. But what about if we keep sinning? How hard do I
try to overcome this specific temptation? I have an incredibly
demanding and emotionally exhausting job and am so tired at the end of
the day. I know I need exercise but typically don't. Sometimes I just
eat food that is easy and not necessarily the most healthy. I eat more
than I absolutely need due to taste gratification, comfort, and habit.
We all sin. Although in the Matthew 4 account Jesus had been fasting
and Satan tempted him with food, many Bible teachers generalize it to
any gratification of the flesh. Gratifications of the flesh include
food, sex, pain relief with excessive medication, excessive spending on
beautiful things - things that involve the senses.
* We
all sin. We all have specific sins that are more tempting for us; sins
with which we struggle to refrain from regularly. Our common culture as
well as our church culture focuses on some and not other sins.
One type of sin would be the excess issue. There are things that are
good and right in and of themselves, in the right context and quantity;
but are unhealthy and sinful if engaged in to excess or in the wrong
context. Things in this category would be: food, sex, shopping, alcohol
consumption, etc.
* Some of us struggle with some
things that can be done in excess and don't have too much trouble with
others. If you don't struggle in a particular area, for example
shopping/spending, it's easy to be critical of others who struggle in
that area.
* I feel like food and weight are not really
issues for our pastor so it's easy to focus on those sins. I see him
struggle with judgmental-ism, temper, and impatience. If I'm 100%
honest, a part of me feels like - so he's focusing on food but not those things.
Yet, the Word is the Word and Truth is Truth - it is there in God's
Word and He's teaching it. The fact that I know he struggles with those
things is partly because he's open about who he is (and partly because
I'm observant about people).
* I feel frustrated, and maybe if I'm entirely honest with myself,
angry. Angry that the sin I struggle with is impossible to hide. My
body shows my sin for all to see. Whereas some sins not everybody has to
know the moment they meet you.
* I'm thinking how Psalm 139:13-16
depicts that God knew who he was creating when I was in my mother's
womb. That he had a specific design when He was forming me. Because
Scripture also teaches that God knows everything (Isaiah 46:9-10, Psalm 139:1-3, 1 John 3:20, Romans 11:33, Hebrews 4:13), I take it to then mean that God knew that I'd be predisposed to weight gain as well as unhealthy food use.
* The reason something is a sin is because it's not what God wants for us. He loves us and only wants our best. Hebrews 12:1-3
talks about getting rid of sin in our lives so we can run the race God
has for us. I believe that each of us has a specific, unique, race or
path that God has for us. The Bible is saying to get rid of the sin so
we can experience more success on our journey.
* The
pastor's motives, thoughts, or possible inadequacy are not relevant. My
attitude toward God, my submission to Him above EVERYTHING else is.
How Mom Disciples a Newborn
11 hours ago
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