Jeremiah 29:11: For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future."

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Sharing my life

Graphic from I was just thinking
I've long been snagged when I read the words from 1 Thessalonians 2:8 when Paul talks about not only sharing the gospel, but sharing His life.

Do I ever do that?  How do I do that?

From the time I first learned how to get up in front of a group to share my testimony , I've struggled with sharing personal things.  I was 16 years old at that time and remember working with an adult and a friend on how to present in front of groups about what God had done in our lives.  When I gave the two of them my first attempt, my friend candidly let me know that it was boring, that it could be anyone's testimony.  I'd neglected to share who I was.

I think this is still confusing.  It doesn't come naturally for me.

Part of why is because I'm a classic introvert.  I have a friend where I used to live who is a classic extrovert.  She's always sharing on Facebook, twitter, and in person what's going on with her.  She's down to earth and fun and interested in you.  People are drawn to her. I'm not like that. 

I care deeply about people but struggle with appropriate ways to show that.  Sometimes I write notes from my heart to people who I'm in ministry with and that seems to bless them.  When I facilitate small Bible study groups I do share some of my personal life.  In those settings I think I'm seeing more of what Paul was writing about in this passage.  In these small groups we're invested in each other, we talk about the Word and our lives. 

Today as I was reading in I Thessalonians 2:5-8 I was challenged with the thought to do this more in my job.

I was the assistant administrator for 3 years for a man who was not a Christian.  That man was one of the greatest leaders I've ever known.  Of course he didn't share the gospel with me but he did model sharing himself.  He invested in me as no one ever has before or since.

I think the Holy Spirit is pricking my heart to do that at my current job.  I've been there four months now.
Father, please show me who you want me to work with and how.  The social service and admissions directors come to my mind right away, so teach me how to invest in them and empower them to become better.  But perhaps you can use me to help this director of nursing services to become better.  It would certainly have to be You through me because she's not at all open to my speaking truth into her life.  Maybe you even want me to impact that AR girl who's so smart and oh so difficult.  Oh Father, just use me.  Make me smarter than I am 'cuz I'll need to be.

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