This event, God leaving His rightful place full of glory, power, and the worship of all in His presence, to come to earth - it never ceases to blow my mind. That God would take on human limitations just so He could ultimately go to the cross and die in my place - it is a fact at which my brain can only grasp. But I can grasp enough to be totally overwhelmed with gratitude.
I adore the way the 17th chapter of John reads in the Message paraphrase. I'm captivated by the way Jesus lived, propelled by His purpose here on earth, as I read this part of His prayer (John 17:2-4):
You put him in charge of everything human
So he might give real and eternal life to all in his charge.
And this is the real and eternal life:
That they know you,
The one and only true God,
And Jesus Christ, whom you sent.
I glorified you on earth
By completing down to the last detail
What you assigned me to do.
So here I am on the eve of Christmas contemplating Jesus anew, His birth on planet earth and all He's done for myself and everyone else. I'm so humbled with deep gratitude.
I also find my heart filled with well wishes for those I know through the blogosphere. From my heart I say to you today
May you experience a profound awareness of God's love for you as you celebrate Christmas with your loved ones. May His blessing be upon you and spill over onto those you come in contact with this Christmas.
So well put. It is certainly a time to celebrate Jesus birth as is any day. Merry Christmas Tracy.
The unfathomable act of love...I am so grateful, too every day not only on Christmas Day. Have a blessed Christmas and God bless you always sister!
Don't forget the words Jesus is saying.
John 12:49 For I have not spoken on My own authority; but the Father who sent Me gave Me a command, what I should say and what I should speak.
It is the commandment of God that we should all follow.
What Jesus said and done must be followed in detail.
It is the only way for us to be save.
Jesus died for all sinners, let us strive to free ourselves from that bondage of sins.
James 4:7 Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.
Thanks Tracy! We are so blessed as Christians even if we don't have two nickels to rub together. I think we sometimes lose sight of that fact.
Have a wonderful and safe Christmas with God all over it!
Beautiful post Tracy. Merry Christmas to all! Even You GCT even though you don't believe.
Merry Christmas!!! God bless you and may Jesus Christ return soon! Who knows... maybe this is the year it will happen! :)
Simply beautiful...
would be interested, since scripture was quoted in this blog, if you could show people the scripture that talks about CHRISTmas?
PTL! His Grace is inconceivable to us, and yet there it is!
If you were truly appreciative, for what Yahweh has done, then you would want to know ' The Truth About Christmas '... rather than, just mindlessly believing whatever others have told you.
Why not Study The Scriptures and stop trusting in Spiritual Babylon for all of the wrong answers?
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