But do we experience Peace?
I find that it's really easy for me to get caught up in the business that can sometimes take over at Christmas time, if I let it. It's really easy for me to lose sight of what Christmas is about and miss out on the joy, if I'm not careful.
Recently during my morning time with God I was reading in John 16 and came across these words of Jesus in the 33rd verse:
"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."
Jesus didn't promise His followers that we would have peace on our circumstances, He promised us peace in Himself.
So in the hustle and bustle of the Holiday season I'm making sure that I make time each morning to spend praising Him, thanking Him, reading the Word and centering my life around Him. For me it seems that's the only way to develop that inner place of peace that I can draw from when stress, irritation, or problems come my way.
What about you, do you experience peace? What is it that helps you keep peace in your heart?
Besides praying, taking a walk helps me be at peace too. Seems to be when when my mind is purposefully aimed away from the focus of daily chores, must-dos and worries.
It is an effort but when you think about it, it should be easy IF we know how to just let go of the clutter because HE is there within us always.
Peace be with You.
Yes, I find peace only in His presence. That must be why He keeps reminding us to "be still"...and know He is God. I love that Scripture. Because it reminds me that Jesus is with me as I go through any trials. That alone, gives me peace. Blessings to you sister.
When I read this, for some reason Matthew 10:34 came into mind. Isn't that interesting that we promote "peace on earth" this time of year but Jesus himself said He did not come to bring peace on Earth?
I do believe that as believers we should have peace. I always tell my worrying husband, "when you worry, you're not believing God." I find peace in meditating on God's sovereignty in all things.
I like the others, only have peace when I am spending time with God. He has a way of bringing things to mind when I least expect it. Not only during my studies/prayers but when I am cleaning or working in the yard. Those are the moments when He really gets my attention with that "ah ha" tidbit.
Then I have to get on the phone and immediately share it with all my friends!
I feel true peace is brought about by putting all your faith in the Lord and giving thanks for Him carrying your burdens. Each time I study the Bible and research books explaining the Bible, I find more peace in such a loving God.
I believe I'm most peaceful when I make 'quite time' for prayer and to study God's word.
We can never completely block out the world this side of Glory, but knowing He is with me gives me a very peaceful feeling.
Merry Christmas!
Peace comes in many forms. Praying is one of the best. Reading good books and blogs is another way. And a good cup of coffee... That's peace to me ;)
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