Jeremiah 29:11: For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future."

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Two weeks and a day

Photo from
It's become a habit.  Every morning about 10 minutes before our stand up meeting starts I walk into the admissions coordinators office and ask, "So,...what's our census?  Medicare?"  Then we talk a bit and I go on to the meeting. She follows after she finishes what I interrupted.

Today when we're talking she asks how long I've been here.  I tell her two weeks and a day.  She responds "You've done more in two weeks than the other administrators did in the whole time they were here!" My heart overflows.  These are words I love to hear!  Out loud I say something about sometimes you don't see what administrators are doing; hoping that I come across humble.  Inside my head I'm rejoicing.

Lest I get too impressed with myself I remember that they've had 6 administrators before me during the past two years.  So none of them were there long.  None the less.......I'll take the good when it comes my way.

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