As I was having children, I tried to establish some traditions. In regard to Christmas I wanted to establish traditions that would teach about Jesus' birth and giving; I wanted the holiday to be about more than just Christmas day.
There's one tradition we established when my boys were very young that has continued and upon which all the other Christmas things we do hinges - the Christmas chain. It is just a paper chain made from construction paper with 24 links; each link representing a day in December. Each link has the date and activity we will participate in that day to celebrate the Christmas season written on it.
Links may include things like the advent wreath, school Christmas programs, decorating the house inside, putting lights on outside the house, filling out and putting stamps on Christmas cards, baking cookies, etc. Each morning we break one of the links on the chain together and read what we'll do that day. This was especially popular when my boys were young, they would even fight over who was going to get to do the chain that day. Because it was a part of their childhood, they still enjoy it.
Writing out the chain also forces me to get out the calendar and plan for all the things I want to make sure that we do. Every year some of activities are ones that we do every year and there also new things I'm trying out. The planning also helps me think about ways to highlight the real significance of the season.
What about you, what are some of your family's favorite Christmas traditions?
Getting one of the kids to read the Christmas story each year from the New Testament.
Blessings, andrea
Sounds great.
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