Jeremiah 29:11: For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future."

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Prayer for Passion

Photo from Dr. Lauren Cielo
In her book, Fervent, Shirer starts with a call to praying for renewed passion for God.

This is my prayer:

Father God, I praise You because You are all powerful and nothing is too difficult for You. I praise You because You are holy.  I praise You because You are a faithful God.  Thank You that I can always count on You. Thank You that You love me.  Thank You that because of Your great love I’m not consumed.  Thank You that Your compassions for me are new every morning and that Your faithfulness is great.  Thank You that I’m precious to You. Thank You that You’ve given me the Holy Spirit; thank You Holy Spirit for living inside me. Thank You for all the times Your Holy Spirit has welled up hope, passion, purpose and joy within me.

Father I’m sorry for all the times I’ve sought after indulgences of the flesh and lived my life so that it was all about me.  Gone through my day thinking about me, me, me.  I’m so sorry.  Thank You for Your forgiveness.  Please give me the power to change.

Father, please make a fresh start in me.  Create a clean heart inside me that loves you with every passion of my heart, with all the energy of my being, all of my thoughts, and all of my strength. Oh Father, cut away the thick calluses on my heart so that I may be free to love you with my whole heart and soul and to really live. May You truly be my all in all.  Please restore to me Your strength and passion and the ability to do Your will. Restore to me a passion for You that consumes me.

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