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This means that just about every day I'm getting call off calls from employees at one of the 3 homes with which I work. It seems like there's always a huge struggle to find coverage. Most frequently these call offs are for the PM and NOC shifts. I've had face to face meetings with the staff at all 3 houses and one of the major issues discussed was attendance. The ironic thing is that not everyone showed up at these trainings. I've been catching up with those who didn't show and talking about what was discussed at those meetings as well as explaining that attendance at trainings is just like attendance at the job- a person can't be a no call no show, they must call and let me know why they can't make it and get an authorization from me to miss.
Due to the driving situation, last Tuesday was very difficult for me. I'd worked all day and then rushed to CRC to do the class. As I left CRC I was happy and looking forward to going home and relaxing. I checked my work phone and found messages regarding a client who had to go to the ER because he is non-verbal and was limping so we needed to ensure nothing was broken. I sat in the parking lot of CRC and made calls for about an hour trying to get someone to come in and take the client to the ER. I then realized that there was not anyone to get, so I went in and took the client to the ER. Fortunately CRC is only about 15 miles from the house/facility where that clients lives. I didn't get back to the facility until 5:30AM. Then I drove the 45 minutes it took to get home, took a bath, and went to bed for 1 1/2 hrs. I then had to get up and get ready and be in to work for one of those house meetings, followed by a meeting with a day program and social worker about a client which did not go well. I finally managed to get out of there by 2:30PM on that day, but still got calls and texts the rest of the day. That whole situation was a bit too intense for me. I need to get some time off work each day and be able to sleep for at least 5 hours. This is a salary job so I don't make any extra money if I have to do these kinds of things. I am OK if this doesn't happen but a couple of times a year, but if it happens all the time I feel that it's just too much.
I almost had to go in and cover a NOC shift last night (which is Saturday night and I'm theoretically off on weekends). In order to avoid going in to work myself, I told the staff person on duty that she'd have to work a double. In health care in general there is the understanding that if your replacement staff does not come in, and coverage is not found, that you must stay. The staff person was upset at me and told her residential manager (RM) this morning that she was sick because she is diabetic and did not get to take her medicine. I texted her and asked if she was OK. I also informed her in the text that I didn't know that her working would cause her to miss taking medication. I said that if I'd known I would have worked. She texted back that I knew she had diabetes. I agreed that she had told me that last week but that all diabetics are different and I didn't know that her staying would cause her to miss medication doses. In all honesty I am not sure if she did miss a medication does because most diabetics take an AM and PM dose; not medication in the middle of the night. But still...
I pray that this does not become a regular event. I pray for health of the employees at the facilities I cover. I pray that there would be a spirit of responsibility and team work.
On this past Thursday the woman who is the program manager (PM) for my homes came to me. She said that the other woman who is PM for the other 13 homes was quitting and Friday was her last day. She said that she really likes working with me and wants a PM with whom she can partner and would really like to work with me. I responded that I really like working with her too and, no matter what, we'll work together. She'll either be my PM for these 3 houses or we'll be PMs together. I prayed about it. Every day I work for this company I want to be excellent and work as unto the Lord. My main over riding feeling is that I want to fix problems, make things better, and be a blessing where I am at. By God's grace I've developed some skills and have some knowledge that can be helpful in this setting.
Friday the executive director (ED), PM and I met. I basically told the ED that 2 of these 3 homes have huge problems and the good 1 has conditions out that we're seeking licensing to put back in. If they want to keep me there so that I can be of help in fixing all that, I'm good with it. I told the ED that I know she's been telling me that for the first time she can remember they actually have several Q applications (I am working as a Q right now); that they have more qualified applicants then openings. So if she wants me to be a PM, I can do that. There is a east and west side PM and I live closer to the east side homes. However, I was a PM for the west side homes close to 3 years ago. I told the ED that I could be a PM, if that's what they wanted, for east or west sides. I told them that I just want to work where I'm of greatest service.
The PM position pays about 20% more than the Q. They both pay terrible for all the required education, knowledge, skills and work they take. I love the ED, the Rockcreek faciliteis, and this industry; which is part of why I keep coming back to work here. I feel OK about the fact that I only stay 1 -2 years when I work for them because I take no training, jump right into the work, and make things better. I also feel OK because it's always just too much, it interferes with the ability to have a life outside of work. The 2 times I've left before, I gave a month's notice.
The PM and ED decided that I should be the west side PM. I think that the PM was very happy because she is currently working as the east side PM and the east side, for all it's problems, is not as troubled as the west side. I recognize that it's going to be a big headache but am excited that I'll get to train a brand new Q. I really enjoy teaching and mentoring employees in this field. I feel like it puts all my experience to use.
I'm a bit afraid of all the staffing challenges and the possibility of having to come in and cover shifts or take clients to the hospital during my off time. I have prayed that God would use me to His glory, so I'm believing that this will be part of that.
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