I knew that the training accomplished what I'd been aiming for when one of the facility managers who I'll call outspoken girl came up to me following the meeting. She asked me for extra copies of the training because she wanted to provide this same training to her staff.
To explain why this was so meaningful let me tell you a bit about outspoken girl. I first met her during a facility manager meeting of the managers for the 13 homes which I supervise. 10 of the13 homes with which I work are the new homes to the company. These 10 homes came with a recent merger. Out of the 13 managers present in that initial encounter she was the one with the worst attitude. Her 'tude was written all over her face. My boss Carl even asked her early on during this meeting what was up and she said she'd had to work the NOC shift the prior evening due to a staff call-off and her inability to find coverage. Even this explanation did not explain her negativity. Since that day outspoken girl has had some moments when she's definitely appeared less than happy about my performance. She's been less than delighted about my failure to engage with her in negative discourse regarding her direct supervisor. I've become rather fond of her because I've seen how much she loves and is committed to the individuals who reside in the home she manages. She is competent at her job duties. She just comes from a ghetto type background and is outspoken.
I've known for a long time that I get excited about things that don't seem to affect others the same way. I think this training is just such an example. I was blessed by the fact that they interacted and just about every point that I wanted brought out was said by one of the managers in the room. The training was on a topic that could have felt like the voice of the teachers in Peanuts (you know the ones: blah, blah, blah). It was about professionalism.
At the end of the training I'd had each manager take one of the attributes of a professional and share about a time when they've witnessed this attribute in another facility manager in the group. This exercise turned out just as I'd hoped it would. It turned out to be a time when the group realized that, although we each have areas where we need to grow, we work with some rather wonderful people. The effects of each manager being built up could be felt in the room.
When it was over Carl said to me on a side note that he'd had doubts when I'd told him that I wanted to present some training on professionalism as part of the monthly managers meeting. He hadn't thought it would end up successful but that he'd been really pleased with how it actually turned out.
My heart soared. I adore getting to be a part of encouraging people.
Jeremiah 29:11: For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future."
Sunday, October 27, 2013
A God time
I was driving Sheila and I to a Saturday matinee at a local community theater when I heard the words that blessed me so much. Sheila told me that in all the years she'd been in Bible study groups that she'd never experienced a group sharing time like we'd had the prior Thursday. It was a time when women barred their hearts, secrets, and fears. A time when they were met by others, right where they were at. A time when all sense of "judgment" was suspending and an air of understanding pervaded. It was a God time.
I'm so grateful. I'm looking forward to what our God is going to continue to do during this group in the upcoming weeks.
I'm so grateful. I'm looking forward to what our God is going to continue to do during this group in the upcoming weeks.
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